Find model references

Reference finder for Onshape lets you discover conversations, tasks, documentation, and more for any Onshape model. It hooks into the platforms you use and automatically provides insights about where any Onshape CAD model is referenced.

It's just one click!

Getting started is super easy.

1. Reference a model somewhere

Drop a link somewhere in your...

2. Connect services with the extension

3. See references in Onshape

Connected Services

Available today

Coming soon

Note: list is subject to change. These are not guarantees.

Won't do (for now)

API is insufficient:

Requesting platforms

Email your request to

About the add-on

Reference finder for Onshape is written and maintained by Alnis Smidchens, an intern at Onshape. The extension is not an official product from Onshape, so there may be bugs or other issues.

Please make sure to read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

For any questions, comments, feedback, or ideas, please email